the goal of this game/simulation is to get the timers to record different times when light travels Asymmetrically.
(if the timer difference is close to or equal to 0.02 seconds assume the timers display the same time.  0.02 seconds is the most accurate unity is at the moment).

After watching Veritasium's video essay titled
"Why No One Has Measured The Speed Of Light"
where he talks about how it is impossible to test if light moves asymmetrically through space(light moves faster in one direction than the other). That didn't make any sense to me, light could move anisotropic and we wouldn't know if it did. there would no way of knowing, Veritasium showed a lot of evidence to suggest that is the case. After thinking long and hard about it and building a test model, I found out how to measure light asymmetrically.

with this experiment test I have a set of 2 laser pointers and timers that are each 1Km apart and have a synchronizer between them at 0.5Km. one laser pointer facing right and the other facing left. Starting the test will send a signal to the laser pointer and the timer at the same time.

there are two sliders, one will change the preferred speed of light in the given direction and the other will change the speed of the signal or the speed of the laser.

in order to determine if the speed of light is anisotropic or not. The speed of the signal, used to start the timers and lasers can not equal the speed of the laser. it doesn't matter by how much slower the signal is, as long as it is not the same as the laser speed and light speed is anisotropic the timers will record different times.

an observation I've noticed, if signal speed is 50% of laser speed, the lasers seem to hit the timers at the same time, no matter how fast light travels in any direction

(disclaimer I only tested this with percentages at and above 50%).

this simulation is capped at 50% but,if light travels at 50% speed in one direction and signal speed is less than 25% of laser speed, the laser will hit the timer before the signal will.

Check out this video after you solve it:

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